Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Random acts… Specific needs

We Need, We want and we look for:
Validation, Acknowledgement, Recognition,
Kindness, Courtesies, Magnanimity
Happiness, Elation, Bliss
Reciprocation, Understanding, Consideration
Love, Affection, Adulation
Authenticity, Genuineness, Originality
Trust, Certainty, Confidence
Abundance, Fortune, Prosperity
Progress, Success, Victory
Intent, Ambition, Purpose
Sensitivity, Connection, Harmony
Convenience, Comfort, Pleasure

The Acts:


Integrity, Values, Belief
Morals, Scruples, Conscience


  1. A text book life, is this?

  2. @ Abhishek - It is not about possibility! It is the reality! The essence is: One must bear the consequences of his/her actions!

    @ Anonymous - Life is a blank book, you fill in the text! We are talking about choice! The reality is, all of us want to feel good but do we take control of our actions? The expressions in the blog are a little philosophical yet simple truths...in my opinion!

  3. Life, as we call it, is the process of evolving, through our actions, and repercussions of the aforementioned. If you are *controlling* your actions, you are not being true to yourself. It is only after the act is committed, and the vision of a result is taking shape, that we, as the protagonist, start to think if something should have been done differently. You, Me or Anyone else, is not and can never be in total control of our actions, even in Utopia. And Yet, what defines our actions is how we have evolved over the years, learning(selectively) from past happenings, germinating newer life into the thought process, again, another sequence in our ever continuous evolution.

  4. You chose to write! It is an action! Let's simplify this! Your life is never delinked from the past, evolution as a human being is an eternal process. But to say that we evolve through continuous involuntary actions is a little too farfetched! We learn from the past (the word selectively that you used is nothing but choice of action again), live in the moment, in the hope of creating a better and evolved (if you may like) future. Keeping it simple again, the deeds, the responses are never absolute, they are relative! We CAN be in control of the volunatry things we do, the choice of what we eat, drink, say etc because we chose to experience a certain result, which is no longer experimental at a stage. Also, every act or deed performed there is a certain expectation of response (and I think that, in general a negative response is not expected)...that's what has been mentioned here. I must however appreciate your choice of words, you possess good vocabulary! It is nice to see again that you agree that our life is a blank book and we fill in the text. In a more scientific manner, when the output quality/values is fixed, the quality of the input in the process is the key to achieving the desired out put. This is more of an outside-in view. Everything in life or evolution as such is Stimulus and Response to stimulus. In a little evolved stage, in a civil set up, being aware and in control of the actions will help us get the DESIRED response!

  5. Evolution, not as in a race, rather as in You or I, into a chosen character, among our peers, friends, family, within this context.
    Words will overpower thought, only when thought is defunct.

  6. Thanks for agreeing dude, I meant exactly the same! Evolution as a person! All my other blog posts also lay a lot of importance on individual values and in conclusion this blog post also speaks about 'Self' realization of the specific needs and the randomness in acts. The final recommendation in the post also talks about 'Conscience'! And yes you have chosen to use 'overpowering' words and I only think that words and thoughts are not exclusive of each other...in your case if you still want to hold on to your final thought...I still trust that your thoughts ain't defunct! The absoluteness in your theory may be a good point to debate on...in our case as human beings absoluteness is a state of bliss!
