Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The 25th Hour

Most of the discussions (around evening time, with Irani Chai or some good drink) with friends and acquaintances seem to revolve around time, stress, life and most importantly the dreams in life!

I have always wanted to do something that would make me feel good! Plain!
Go to the gym, learn to play the guitar, learn slow dancing, some martial arts training, Travel to exotic locations, contribute to the society, RELAX etc are some of the things I WANT to do!

This is not very different from what some of my friends have shared during our discussions. Funnily, most of us have this dream about building a nice/big/huge house, have a lot of money in the bank and retire by the age of 40 and then do all the things we dream about. I must admit that talking and discussing about these things is a huge stress buster as it creates the much desired visual of a relaxed life.

Our evening discussions generally start off on a venting note…some cribs, complaints, profanity… then move into some humor, both practical and fantasy based, leading to the discussion about our dreams. The ending typically is, ‘ok! It’s time to hit the reality, stop dreaming the impossible! Go home and prepare for office tomorrow’.

Why? Because we all have just the 24 hours in a day! Just like everybody else!

No! That’s not true!

We all have the 25th hour!
The hour that is the dream! The hour that is a myth! The hour that we search for!

Does it exist? Yes it does! It is the same time that we spend on the negative influences, the time that we spend on dreaming with our eyes closed, the time that we dedicate to the TALK, the BLAME! I have now taken it upon myself to realize my dreams, one at a time, just begin to translate the ‘thoughts and talk’ into ‘actions’ and live the elusive 25th hour in every day of my life.

I will start, start now…A journey to a thousand miles starts with one small step! And as Tupac Shakur said ‘The only thing that come to a sleeping man are dreams!’

If we want to live our dreams the first step is to ‘Wake Up’ not get up!

I have one life, a life I want to live and realize the myriad dreams that I had so clearly seen! I will clear the dust that has blurred the vision (of my dreams) and dream endlessly as it is the greatest gift to mankind. I will dream now and make it happen; I will have the 25th hour and make it mine!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler – Henry David Thoreau