Monday, July 27, 2009


Relationship; can’t think of anyone who can live without one!
But what is it?! Relationship is nothing but expectations! Some of it is said and some is unsaid, some are cultural and some are personal etc! Remember, the strength of the relationship is always inversely proportional to the number of expectations (said and unsaid).

I have always wondered what makes it tick. Everything in the world is ‘Relative’! We have acquaintances, friends, relatives, blood relatives, so on and so forth! We have pigeon holes to slot our relationships. Today, with the increased stress levels (make-believe! Actually it is the increased awareness of the social rights and wrongs) the key word that is on everybody’s mind and lips is ‘Relationship’. We also have the added pressure of defining good and bad relationship. It’s so relative.

What makes it tick? I have a few thoughts to share from my 33 years, 150 Days, 3 hours and 42minutes of living!

In any relationship,

Think not, that communication is (only) in what is being said!
Know that, it is (also) in the unsaid!

Think not, that intimacy is only in physical presence!
Believe that, it is in spirit!

Seek not, to (only) understand the problems!
Strive (also) to be a part of the solution!

Don’t look for, ‘what I can but you don’t’!
Look for what I can’t and you do!

Think not that happiness is (only) in the doing!
Believe that it is (also) in the being!

Think not, that celebration is (only) in an occasion!
Believe that living is celebrating!

Think not that ‘differences’ is the enemy
Believe and make it your friend!

In trouble, don’t (only) think, ‘Oh God! Please take care!’
Believe that when you care you even please god!

Sometimes, when a relationship begins and takes shape it is like chasing a rainbow to find the treasure pot at its end! In the relationship, sometimes, you enter a tunnel, a dark tunnel; you keep walking, sure that there is light at the end. You walk a distance and start thinking, ‘Is there light?’ The tunnel keeps seeming longer and never- ending. You still keep walking and reach a point where you are frustrated and you want to turn back and you are unsure if the distance back is worth it or you should move on in the hope that you would see the light soon!

Sometime soon the decision is taken, ‘I’ll walk back’! At least I know that I started at a point where there is light!

Remember, that once you reach the tunnel the picture of your rainbow and the treasure pot starts fading and when you finally give up you don’t even remember that there ever was a rainbow!

This is the point, where I say, believe in the rainbow! When you start believing you will see that the light at the end of the tunnel is not the truth! You never entered a tunnel! The rainbow and the tunnel are your choices!

Iam not saying there is Utopia! Iam not saying there is ‘Ideal’!
Iam saying that it is in the priorities and respect!

The connotation is positive!! How is this ‘Simply Complicated’ truth seen and understood!?! It is relative!

A Strong Relationship is built on Trust
Trust is seen and understood from Behavior
Behavior is driven by Beliefs
Belief takes birth and grows from Values
Values are a reflection of your Conscience
Conscience is YOU!

YOU always drive the relationship! Trust enough!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Pavan, I liked the ending paragraph.
