Friday, April 23, 2010

Drive and derive!

Want to be a good manager in the corporate world? Sorry, want to move from Good to Great as a manager? Much better question eh? I like that :)

If the answer to one or both of the questions is yes, then you must move on and read. Even if the answer is no, move on and read as this gives you valuable insights that the MBA classes don’t. Just for the heck of it…go on…

Now, I see most of us are ambitious and so the answer would be yes. So let’s begin.

To be a successful manager, good or Good to great, you must learn some lessons in management (self, work, people etc). Iam not a big fan of MBA theory so I’ll use practical examples and you need to drive a car or atleast do some back seat driving to derive the invaluable lessons. The session is called Drive and Derive (lessons)

Lesson 1:
Break all the rules… don’t get caught!

This is easy because just like the work environment our traffic system has rules and regulations but the majority does not follow them. While driving in peak traffic it is never easy to maintain rules because that way you’ll get delayed in reaching the destination. All others are not following rules so how can you? That is the most important lesson, when in Rome do as Romans do. We are running a rat race. Drive more and become an expert at breaking rules and getting ahead, it doesn’t matter if some people get delayed or hurt, that’s the way life is! The key is not to get caught or atleast if caught having the presence of mind to blame someone else and confuse the entire situation. This is a lesson in building personality, building managerial qualities, effective use of resources, maximizing opportunity etc

Lesson 2:
Know your opponent

This is a little tough! You got to know the power the opponent wields to harm you. Once you gauge that, you plan actions and reactions. So when you drive around and face a stressful situation with another guy on the road (read colleague at office) first check his number plate, if it is a fancy number, play it cool and resolve. If the number plate is regular look at the build of the person, if he is small just take the lead and thrash the shit out of that person. Likewise in the corporate world, look at the ID card and build of the person and take action. Some opponents are insignificant and you can thrash them even if it is your mistake, like the motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians etc. Trust you got the lesson. This lesson is in interpersonal skills, understanding corporate fundamentals, assertiveness, achieving success etc

Lesson 3:
Know the key people, Make the right friends

This is easy. When you ram your car into a truck or a bus the damage caused to your car is more, so watch out and be careful when you encounter these heavy vehicles. This in the corporate world is very simple; don’t take on those you cannot put down completely. The damage would be more for you. Befriend them so that you could use them to ram someone (a smaller vehicle). This is a lesson in networking and also in sales (selling your own profile)

Lesson 4:
Know who the favorites are

It does not take the brain of Einstein to figure this out. This one is for the guys: In a stressful encounter on the road if your opponent is a lady, you are never gonna make it buddy! (Sorry about that, it is in good humor. Iam not gender biased and I treat women and men as equals) Irrespective of whose mistake it is, the lady is going to get all the support. So save yourself some stress, take it easy and get going. Avoid any hint of confrontation. For the ladies this lesson is very easy to understand. In the corporate world, there are obvious favorites for the key people, do not confront them or befriend them, both ways it will cause you stress. This lesson is in developing interpersonal skills.

Lesson 5:
Make Noise!

Evidently the easiest lesson! Whether or not people like it, whether or not there is a traffic jam, for no damn reason just blow the horn! Draw attention and then make up a reason for making noise. You will see that mostly the people give way and you get ahead, they may be annoyed though. But do you care? Nah! In the corporate world it is not only enough to be skilled; you got to keep making a noise. Well all of us are by now used to blowing the horn out of habit more than necessity irrespective of the type/brand of car one drives. This lesson is for influencing skills, marketing/promotion of self!

One could be an MBA from IIM/harvard etc, one could be a gold medalist in academics but that don't matter much. You could have donkeys years of experience, you could have great values etc but that don't matter as much either.

These are the 5 important lessons that will help any professional move from good to great. There are many more lessons on Innovation, Professionalism, Performance Management etc…but I think once you start driving you will start deriving these lessons too. We are a smart lot!

Remember, the corporate world and the traffic is very similar.
Lot of vehicles/people, different types/brands, big or small, limited rules/regulations that can be exploited, same destination/goals for many, unpredictability, luck/chances/fortune play a vital role, at times your skills do not matter. So the more you drive (work) the more you derive!

Hey I forgot, you become far more successful if you practice back seat driving where your job is to increase the stress for the driver, blame the driver in case of any problem and at all other times feign ignorance of what is happening around you to give the feeling that the driver is in control. This is what you need to practice if you must reach the top of the corporate ladder. Start with friends if you cannot afford a driver ;)

Good to Great!! God save....oops! Help us!!


  1. LOL!! Pavan...please get this published!!

  2. WOW! I liked this. Good to great...few are tough to implement but as you said women power surely try all... sounds pretty interesting. I guess instead of Good,better n best..we will end up in good..great n super manager ( bad one!).
    Ps: Pls do write more frequently.

  3. @ Abhishek...Iam glad to help with some management tips, so I should get this published in future ;) LOL

    @ Harini... Yeah!! now good to great is must now strive to be super, what with India having 75% of its population declared young!! Very nice thought! Thanks! I would love to write more frequently but now Iam being forced to be very passionate at work ;)
